Monday, January 30, 2012

I'm grateful to Lucy Reynolds for additional analysis of the latest YouGov poll on attitudes to the Health and Social Care Bill. The survey was of 1601 NHS staff and was conducted between 17th and 20th January 2012.

If you take out the don't knows, the figures work out like this:
Of those who expressed an opinion:
80% expect the new system to be more costly, 89% think it will increase bureaucracy, and 78% think it will be more fragmented. 84% expect quality of care to deteriorate as a result of the passage of the Bill.
91% think the reform will introduce too much competition, and 87% expect privatisation of services to increase. 83% expect there to be loss of access to healthcare services for some of the population and 68% are expecting it to lead to the introduction of user fees.
80% consider that the Health and Social Care Bill should be withdrawn entirely. 
71% think that Andrew Lansley is failing in his role as Secretary of State.
77% feel that it is in the public interest for the Risk Registers that the government has been told to produce to made available.
Raw data (before correction to remove don't knows):
72% expect the new system to be more costly,
83% think it will increase bureaucracy, and
68% think it will be more fragmented.
74% expect quality of care to deteriorate as a result of the passage of the Bill. 81% expect privatisation of services to increase.
Two-thirds of people polled think that the Lansley reform will make the NHS worse (66%) and that the Health and Social Care Bill should be withdrawn entirely (65%).
84% think it will introduce too much competition.
78% expect there to be loss of access to healthcare services for some of the population and 68% are expecting it to lead to the introduction of user fees.
71% think that Andrew Lansley is failing in his role as Secretary of State.
77% feel that it is in the public interest for the Risk Registers that the government has been told to produce to made available.